Overview of Oakdene Foundation Subject Curriculum
The content of the National Curriculum can be viewed by following this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-framework-for-key-stages-1-to-4
At Oakdene, we have created a bespoke curriculum based on the National Curriculum to suit our children and setting. Please read our Curriculum Statement for an overview of the reasoning and rationale behind our Oakdene curriculum.
Each subject in school then has its own subject statement. These overviews link to our overall statement of intent, implementation and impact. They also include a brief overview of how topics are mapped through school, the milestones for each subject at each point of school, and key vocabulary for that subject. Please see the subject statements on this page, or separate pages for English and Maths.
We have adopted a 'milestones' approach for our foundation subjects. These milestones are key elements of skills and knowledge that children should achieve at the end of KS1 (Year 2), Lower KS2 (Year 4) and Upper KS2 (Year 6). These skills are revisited through different topics over each 2-year period to ensure children have the opportunity to refresh and review skills and knowledge, as well as show greater depth or mastery of them. All milestones are directly linked to statements in the National Curriculum.
Curriculum topic overviews for each year group can be viewed on the appropriate class page of the website.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Oakdene curriculum, please contact a member of staff in school, who will be able to help you.